Old Abandoned Homestead

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“Make me a willow cabin at your gate,
And call upon my soul within the house;
Write loyal cantons of contemned love
And sing them loud even in the dead of night.” -William Shakespeare, Twelfth Night

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My husband and I found this little house at the end of last summer or beginning of September. North of Omaha somewhere. The native prairie grasses bristled at the chill, and rain tapped gently against the rusted metal roof.

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Damp hair and clothing does not deter me from taking photographs and exploring, but ruining electronics does. I shot the pictures from beneath my jacket.

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The tiny house appears to be pretty old. If anyone recognizes this little place, please share your thoughts! We did not get too close to this one due to the rain. There was also another house close, and I was concerned about trespassing.Old Homestead7I imagined the house as a starter home for a farming family. I can see children chasing one another, their laughter echoing through the fields as their parents harvest the crops.


What finally drove the family out of the sun-bleached creaking old house

Trish Eklund is the owner and creator of Abandoned, Forgotten, & Decayed, and Family Fusion Community, an online resource for blended families of all types. Trish’s photography has been featured on Only in Nebraska, ListVerse, Nature Takes Over and Pocket Abandoned. Check out the new Bonanza Store for AFD merchandise! Follow on Instagram and Facebook. Trish is regularly featured on The MightyHuffington Post Divorce, and Her View From Home.  She has also been featured on Making Midlife Matter, and The Five Moms, and has an essay in the anthology, Hey, Who’s In My House? Stepkids Speak Out by Erin Mantz.

Trish at Beetison2

Categories: Abandoned House, Nebraska, Nebraska Abandoned House, Rural Nebraska, Trish EklundTags: , , , ,

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