Book Updates – Abandoned Nebraska: Echoes of Our Past

My new book is due to be released on February 22, 2021~

For pre-orders, send me a direct message or purchase from my Shop Now page:

Summary of the book:

The farmer adjusted the brim of his cap, pointing toward the faded blue and white farmhouse nestled atop of the hill. “Rose and Arnold first moved here from Lincoln. In 1913, a tornado completely levelled their first home. Rose never much cared for the area and had been homesick since she left her family home. Arnold went back to Lincoln, measured her parent’s house inch by inch, and then built an exact replica for her on the hill, making sure she was comfortable in her new home.” The porch swing groaned in the breeze. Even though Rose and Arnold have long passed, their farm remains.

Home is where you feel safe enough to reveal your true self. Everything begins and ends in the home; it’s where you raise your children and grow old with your spouse. Like the families who deserted them, each home has a tale to tell and they are all unique. Every loss and triumph is absorbed within the splintered walls. Their gaping windows stare across the countryside searching for their lost residents. Trish Eklund’s personal experiences and the stories of those associated with the locations accompany the author’s enchanting images.


The feature photo was taken at an abandoned farm in western Nebraska right before a storm hit.

The photograph from the cover of my first book was taken at a decaying farm where the house is nothing more than a foundation of what she once was. Two splintered barns, a corn crib, some farm equipment, and this beautiful car remain on the property. This was taken just before sunset, so the light was perfect.

The cover for my second book was taken at an abandoned farm near Fairbury, Nebraska.

You can pre-order my second book for February 22nd, and my first book is available now! Barnes and Noble link

Amazon link to pre-order my second, and purchase the first.

I would love to send you an autographed copy of one or both! Just


Cover 2.jpg

The above photo was taken at the JFK campus in Wahoo, NE.

Summary of my first book:

I remember when … the three words surface as a splintered, sun-bleached farmhouse looms on the horizon. I remember when the light poured from the vacant windows, and a tractor rumbled through the fields. I remember when the house was full of life. These are the words uttered by the souls who once lived and worked in abandoned communities and homesteads, places that once pulsed with laughter. Though the people have moved on, the remnants of their lives remain, left for us to wonder what once was.

Then photo below was taken at the Norfolk Regional Center upon my first visit, when most of the windows were still visible before they were all boarded up.

Photo 19.jpg

The Nebraska countryside is rich with history, from the dilapidated houses near the Fort Robinson area where Crazy Horse was killed, to the near deserted village, Monowi–population of one. Abandoned Nebraska: Echoes of Our Past is a photographic adventure through the hauntingly beautiful neglected places of Nebraska, including schools, asylums, colleges, factories, churches, countless farmhouses, and even entire towns. Trish Eklund’s personal experiences with the places, and stories of those associated with them, accompany the author’s enchanting images.

The photo below was taken outside of Fairbury somewhere. This Whippet was only one of the old cars on the property. There is also an old Chevy resting among the grass, its parts slowly rusting.

Photo 69.jpg




I am really looking forward to the next event!



My first interview with a very nice reporter is not only on the Kearney Hub online: click here, but it is also in the paper, click here.


I just had my first giveaway on Facebook, and announced another book up for grabs. I appreciate everyone who reads my words, and views my photography. I am ever so grateful! You are all the best! Thank you so much!

Trish Eklund’s first book, Abandoned Nebraska: Echoes of Our Past, was released in November of 2018. Her second photography book, Abandoned Farmhouses and Homesteads: Decaying in the Heartland is due February 22, 2021. Trish’s photography has been featured on Only in Nebraska, Raw Abandoned, ListVerse, Nature Takes Over, Grime Scene Investigators, and Pocket Abandoned. She is the owner and creator of the photography website, Abandoned, Forgotten, & Decayed. Trish has an essay in the anthology: Voices From the Plains Volume III by Julie Haase, and the anthology:  Hey, Who’s In My House? Stepkids Speak Out by Erin Mantz. Her writing has been featured on The Mighty, Huffington Post Plus, Making Midlife Matter, and Her View From Home. She has written four young adult novels and is hard at work on her first adult novel.

Categories: Abandoned Barns, Abandoned Buildings, Abandoned Factories, Abandoned Farmhouse, Abandoned Hospital, Abandoned House, Abandoned Mill, Abandoned Nebraska, Abandoned Omaha, Abandoned PLaces, NE, Nebraska, UncategorizedTags: , , , ,


  1. Andy

    Hello I got your book as a Christmas gift and I ❤️It! Especially the photos of the 3 farms outside Mead. Those 3 homes got me fascinated into old abandoned buildings as a kid as we would drive past them on US 77 on the way to my aunts house in Wahoo. Unfortunately one of the old farms (The one described as the 3rd one in your book) was finally demolished in either 2019 or 2020.

    • trishwriter

      Hi Andy! I’m so sorry for the late reply. I heard one of those farms was demolished–so sad! I love that area off of US 77! Thanks so much for sharing.

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